Gentle Yoga Followed by Yoga Nidra & Touch Therapy Friday Sept 20 at6:30PM

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

Introducing Balance Yoga Studio's Inaugural 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training!

Ready to deepen your practice and inspire others through yoga? Balance Yoga Studio is excited to launch our first 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training program! This in-depth training is crafted for dedicated yogis aiming to become certified instructors, equipping you with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to teach and transform lives.

About the Training:

This Yoga Alliance registered program will prepare you to safely and effectively teach hatha and vinyasa yoga classes. It's the ideal opportunity to deepen your yoga practice and lay a strong foundation for a professional career in yoga.

Key Features:

  • Teaching Methodology: Build a strong foundation for both your practice and teaching.
  • Anatomy and Asana: Understand anatomy and its application to asana to enhance your skills.
  • Peak Pose Sequencing: Create safe and innovative class sequences.
  • Meditation and Pranayama: Master techniques to enrich mental well-being.
  • Yoga History and Philosophy: Explore key philosophical texts and their real-world applications.
  • Subtle Body Systems: Study koshas, chakras, and vayus.
  • Practical Experience: Engage in practice labs, teaching exercises, and structured practicums.
  • Community Connection: Connect with fellow yogis for support and growth.

Typical Daily Schedule:

• 8:30-9:00: Morning Meditation
• 9:00-10:00: Anatomy
• 10:00-12:00: Practice
• 12:00-12:30: Lunch
• 12:30-1:30: Practice Review and Sequencing
• 1:30-2:30: Asana Lab Exploration
• 2:30-3:30: Practice Teaching Skills and Lab
• 3:30-4:30: Yoga Philosophy
• 4:30-5:00: Q&A and Closing

Click Here To Fill out An Application, Gather More Information & Register Your Space For This YTT. 

Contact Balance Yoga

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